A collaborated Italian design company to jointly develop cutting edge technological concept that addresses conventional water filtration weakness.
MyUF water ultrafiltration system not only elevated the water purification standard thus a revolutionary design that functions beyond filtration capacity but also illuminates outdoor of every home.
Product Features:
0.01 micron Nominal Ultrafiltration System
Proprietary clean water flushing and backwash System
Air Release Valve
- Solar Power Night Lamp
Up-right Filtration Configuration
Elegant Design to fit modern home exterior
Item will be ship after payment received Via Selected Courier
Item akan dihantar selepas bayaran diterima melalui servis
penghantaran yang terpilih.
(PENGHANTARAN YANG CEPAT)Order process time / Masa Pemprosesan Pesanan
The order process time is 1 to 3 working days.
Pesanan akan diproses dalam masa 1 hingga 3 hari bekerja.If there is any delay in delivery, we'll inform through email.
Jika ada sebarang kelewatan penghantaran, kami akan email
andaIf you are not receive the item within estimated days after we
shipped, please email us: onlinestore.fssb@gmail.com
Jika anda tidak menerima item dalam tempoh yang
dianggarkan selepas penghantaran dibuat, sila e-mel kami: